Not sure how i feel about the whole bless deed thing, but here is my initial thought:
The post says you need six bless deeds to bless all your armor.
I noticed that shields were not included.
With no shield, shadow armor gives roughly a 40 (2 shovels worth of mining) while valorite gives roughly a 50 (11 shovels worth of mining)
With a shield it goes to 70 and 100 (roughly) respectively.
That's a big difference.
So if shields aren't included, it kinda seems like a shaft as the most important part of the armor is not included, at least for those of us with gm parry
But all in all seems like it would balance loot between warriors and magi.
Nice work bob, and i like that they aren't permanent.
Lets bless blackrock and run around without supplies , because when i die. w/e it wont matter, my shit is blessed.
Now to something constructive, instead of blessing deeds, Why not use insurance, what you ensure takes money from your bank in exchange for the armor you blessed, lower items req less $ higher require more $..
SO If you die with blackrock and have insurance on it, you would loose lets say 10k if you die with shadow you loose 1k instead of the armor.