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 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:31 pm 
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Bugs Fixed:
-- Jhelom pits should work correctly again
-- Pegasus are now at their appropriate taming requirement
-- Crystal balls will now function for people with 1 kill, not just 2+.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:16 pm 
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Balance Adjustments:
-- Magic Staffs now drop
-- Miss formulas for all weapon types adjusted slightly
-- Reactive Armor Spell - PVP Damaged Reduction reduced to half.
-- Poison will no longer process on logged out pets(mounted/shrunk)

Bugs Fixed:
-- Snow piles recoded slightly to fix a few ugly bugs with them.
-- Armor related fizzles do the fizzle sound and animation
-- Obsidian Specific resists work now (additional magic resist, and parrying spells).

Issues Clarified:
-- Obsidian specific resists (completely negates spells, from t3a)
-- -- Keep in mind these are in additional to the reduction via normal resist.
-- -- Monsters Resisting spells from players
-- -- -- Monsters get 2.5% to resist a spell for every 10.0 resistance they have.
-- -- Players Resisting Spells
-- -- -- Players get 1.6% to resist a spell for every 10.0 resistance they have.
-- -- Players Parrying Spells
-- -- -- Players have a 1% chance to parry a spell for every 10.0 parrying they have.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:22 pm 
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Balance Adjustments:
-- Most magic spells no longer take armor into account for damage.
-- The first tick of poison damage now triggers faster.
-- The first tick of poison damage will now always fizzle.
-- Subsequent ticks of poison damage will have a 50% chance of fizzling.
-- Lightning and Flamestrike have had their casting times lowered slightly
-- Pet protection potions, when used on an already protected pet, will overwrite their poofing location.

Bugs Fixed:
-- Some spiders, elementals, all golems, and the headless npcs are no longer misclassified as harmless creature npcs(meaning they don't drop gold/magic items/etc).

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 3:05 pm 
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New Features:
-- Big update to the monster statistics database.

Balance Adjustment:
-- Magery Adjustments
-- -- Healing spells increased in effect.
-- -- Mark spell increased in effect
-- -- Stonewall spell duration decreased
-- -- Most combat spells buffed slightly
-- Jail morphing potions are now usable once every 2 hours
-- Stone added to permanent jail for those who are forgiven by staff but have characters in there still
-- The following commands have been given back to players
-- -- Bark
-- -- Underwear
-- The following commands have been taken away from players
-- -- Suicide

Bugs Fixed:
-- Magic walls now dissapear when stood on like they used to

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:40 am 
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Bugs Fixed:
-- Gravestones should now report deaths properly
-- You can again no longer mine in the runestone chamber.
-- -- Or fish, or chop trees, or any other crafterish type silliness.
-- Energy field potions should block accordingly now.

Balance Adjustment:
-- Poison spell altered so it processes right on npcs casting.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:24 pm 
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New Features:

-- New system for assigning kills has gone in. If its not a condition covered under here, it acts as it always has
-- -- Everyone's kills reset to 0, again. This is the last time this will probably happen.
-- -- Things you will NOT gain a kill for now:
-- -- -- Killing good npcs
-- -- -- Killing someone you've killed in the last 5 minutes
-- -- -- Dealing less than 25% of their health in damage
-- -- -- Guild Wars and Order Vs Chaos without war.
-- -- -- Someone you haven't attacked in more than 30 seconds dies.
-- -- New PK Notoriety Feature:
-- -- -- If you have more than 10 kills, and you die, you lose 10% of your kills, except in reskills.
-- -- -- If you get a kill from killing someone with more than 10 kills, you also gain the kills they lost.
-- -- -- -- This means if you do not get a kill(Chaos-Order War), then you don't gain the kills either.

Balance Adjustment:

-- Jhelom pits poof spot moved because players are abusing it.
-- -- Bad players, no biscuit

Bugs Fixed:

-- Fixed a bug in the monster data collection system
-- Fixed gravestones assuming every death was stupid(Self inflicted or otherwise).

Typos Fixed:
-- Silver Ingots are now properly capitalized.
-- Gravestones have spelling for "seen it coming" on stupid deaths.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:34 am 
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New Features:
-- The wood elf race is now available again.
-- The race stone is in the runestone chamber for those wishing to change races.
-- The wood elf race is different from the frost elf as not all race abilities have quick-keys. The skillmenu will tell you which race abilities belong to which quick-keys.

-- Passive Abilities:
-- -- Attunement - A wood elf attunement with nature allows them to share in the strength of life. Their regeneration is directly related to how much life and death is around them. Does not work in guarded areas due to the protection magics employed by the guards to help prevent assassinations by altering how the lifeflow works.
-- Active abilities:
-- -- Bind Trees - Each wood elf may bind 2 trees together to create a pathway. Only one pathway may be maintained. Pathways take one full day to mature to a usable point and are only usable by wood elves.
-- -- -- If an elf wishes to make a new pathway, it must break the old one
-- -- -- If a bound tree is harvested, the pathway will break and the wood elf will take damage as their own life force was used to bind the tree. (-15)
-- -- Break Pathway - An elf relinquishes the pathway between trees. No life loss.
-- -- Summon Familiar - summons your familiar to you, where-ever it is.
-- -- Bind Familiar -- A wood elf binds a pet's spirit to itself. (cannot be shrunk or mounted). If familiar takes lethal damage, it discorporates and the elf takes damage
-- -- Unbind Familiar -- The wood elf voluntarily dismisses the familiar
-- -- Woodland Shape - Allows the elf to assume the form of it's familiar, or shed it's form if currently in it. When shedding the form, it also sheds all magical effects currently on it. (If dispelled while in this form, they will show their true colors)

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:55 am 
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Balance Adjustment:
-- Fizzling from weapon hits has been reduced.
-- New loot system for equipped items on killed monsters
-- -- By default, when a monster is killed any item it has equipped has a 10% chance of surviving the battle and being lootable.
-- -- For extremely rare items or powerful monsters, this may be raised/lowered. But most monsters/items should have the 10% chance.
-- -- This only applies to equipped items the monster is using when it dies.
-- Now when you tame an animal you've previously tamed, it won't pretend to tame and regain
-- -- Had it set to pretend to gain for those who like to abuse the 25 memory limit in the old server. Really they were just wasting their time, it would gain at 1/25th the rate. :P
-- -- Have watched the 7 tamers it was meant for waste a cumulative 100 hours taming under this system(100th hour was reached earlier this week, i had a convo with the lucky tamer today telling him he was wasting his time).
-- -- So now, it just retames instantly and doesn't go through the motions of pretending to gain/fail.
-- -- This system has an effectively infinite retame limit, so any form of cycling won't work. However it also has a timeout, so you won't get free retames for life.

Typos Fixed:
-- All scrolls should have their proper names(after 7 freaking years)

Bugs Fixed:
-- New Players under protection should no longer be permanently stuck in potion form from jail
-- Casting in jail should be impossible now due to new fields put up by the lord's high mage.
-- Many spawns did not have a maximum wander distance after conversion(Now do).
-- -- This means spawns from yew ended up wandering all the way to trinsic.
-- -- You should see less scatteredness of animals and animals in the right regions.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:05 am 
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Balance Adjustments:
-- You can no longer throw explosion pots through walls or at items, ground target only
-- All levels of explosion potions have been reduced to more closely match t3a levels.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:07 am 
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New Features:

-- Enabling some new anti-crash stuff. It'll make things with lots of stuff load, just a tad delayed. So lets hear your thoughts on how it works this next week or few.

Typographical Fixes:

-- Adjusted some messages with hiding and detect hidden to flow more properly.
-- Removed mystic numbers from meditation while wearing a hat. You may be clarivoyant, but not THAT clarivoyant.
-- Message added when attunement works in a positive way, in addition to the already existing negative message.

Balance Adjustment:

-- Hythloth spawns have adjusted slightly(lots more smaller monsters on lvl 3 and 4). This is temporary until the actual redesign is done.
-- Oytra spawn chance has been reduced.
-- Ice elf snowball paralyze duration has been lowered from a growth factor of /2 to a factor of /3.
-- Ice elf yellow snowball has had damage amount reduced, and damage type changed to fire&magic from physical, and had the damage source corrected, which should result in the same effective damage
-- Fixed some parts of poisons and some spells to NOT force a lot of updates on clients
-- -- This should reduce crashes in large wall-pot areas.

Bugs Fixed:

-- Skill lock bug fixed, thanks to Rob for reporting it.
-- Rare logs should no longer be used up in crafting as normal logs.
-- Lockpicking should now work correctly with all existing chests/crates.
-- -- Correctly in so far as it has been restored to it's old working system. It will eventually get overhauled, but for now it works.
-- -- I am aware there is no gold and no magic drops in the crates. Would rather adjust that when i overhaul it. This is just there for those who want to gain skill on it and see how it works for the most part. Just imagine there's gold and fun stuff too plus the stuff that's in there.
-- Poison should now take proper criminal flags into account.
-- -- This is complex, so please be alert for bugs in this, either in it not detecting, or it detecting wrong.
-- -- This applies to all forms of poison. Spells, pots, fields, etc.
-- Daemons, gargoyles, and all manner of creatures now have usable mouths.
-- Hidden objects will correctly remove themselves from view of people who watched them being hidden.
-- Ice elf snowballs should no longer cause phantom shields and bows.
-- Wood elf shapeshift should now fix your paperdoll if you were broken from shapeshifting in the first two days. Just shift and unshift.
-- Woodelf attunement should not function while you're offline (I don't think it was originally, but i put in some extra checks to be sure)
-- Poison will no longer perform the first poison tick(and repoison you) if you cure before the tick happens.

Bug reports checked:

-- Attunment killing people when offline
-- -- This is unlikely, as it already doesn't work for people offline, but i added extra checks to be sure
-- -- Attunement does NOT work in town, good or bad, triple checked, so people logging there could not have died from it.
-- -- -- More than likely you died from your animal getting hit or your tree path getting cut.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:18 pm 
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Balance Adjustments:

-- NPC monsters should no longer cast Protection, Arch Protection, or Reactive Armor.
-- -- This was throwing some difficulties way off, and is unfair to warriors who can't dispel. If we wanted hard to hurt monsters, they'd have more armor.
-- -- This applies only to normal npcs. Event npcs, quest npcs, and boss monsters or other high level npcs with special powers may still cast reactive if we decide to let them.

Bugs Fixed:

-- Wood elves will no longer take damage when their familiars go wild offline. I believe this is what truly was causing the deaths. People who didn't unsummon their familiars and they got starving. Feed animals people! Your familiars can't leave you, but it will hurt you until you let it go or make it happy.
-- Explosion potions targetting should now function correctly
-- -- Correclty means only target ground, no items, and has to be within line of sight. Will prevent most wall shenanigans.
-- -- All old explosion pots have retroactively had the damage fix applied to them, not just new pots will have reduced damage amounts.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:03 pm 
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Balance Adjustment:
-- Macrostones have an added check to close existing checks before opening new ones. You'll no longer get 200 buttons from dclicking the stone 40 times.
-- Chainmail now longer gets a 1 level subtraction on the magic loot table. (meaning ruin chainmail now requires ruin level, like everything else).
-- Magic Drop Levels adjusted slightly for all magic drop limits (each level has gone down a bit, meaning slightly easier monsters can access them).
-- Monster gold equations altered a bit.
-- -- This means that monster kills database and magic drops database have been reset.
-- -- This means you need to GO HUNT MORE so i can get more data to tweak the gold and magic formulas better.

Bugs Fixed:
-- Monsters will always drop at least 1 magic item when the ding goes off, no matter how weak they are.
-- Frost elf hitpoints now adjust when affected by buffs/debuffs. It is slightly delayed as the body adjusts to the magic.
-- Shadows should once again drop treasure maps.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 7:37 pm 
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Server Adjustments:
-- Reverted to an earlier server version to eliminate the recent crashes

Balance adjustments:
-- Monster drop formula adjusted to not drop 3 levels below it's max drop, regardless of how much unspent drop points it has.
-- -- Meaning a monster that can drop power level magic item will never drop ruin or might level, only power and force.
-- -- A monster that can drop force items will only drop force and might, never ruin.
-- -- A monster that can drop vanquishing will never drop might, force, or ruin. IT will only drop power and vanquishing.
-- Drop point limits for each level raised back to earlier levels. Was skewing the drop rates of some mid level monsters to be too high-end.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:15 pm 
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Bugs Fixed:
-- Fixed a possible infite loop bug in the way loot is selected for monster drops
-- -- This brings my total stupid coding errors for t4a that actually have had the capacity to cause problems to 3, for those keeping track.
-- -- This is NOT neccessarily the reason for the big crashes this weekend, as it only does an infinite loop.
-- -- This was just the reason for the numerous huge pauses this morning
-- -- -- When the server enters an infinite loop, it gives up after 5 minutes and restarts what it was doing normally, so no perma crash.
-- -- However, i haven't tested this on the newer server software we WERE using, so the newer stuff might not handle infinite loops well.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 7:58 pm 
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New Features:

-- Buccaneer's Den has been re-implemented as a guild territory war, guarded by the anchor nexus
-- -- Every 37 hours, the portal will grow weak.
-- -- Once it is weak, it will be weak for precisely 3 hours.
-- -- -- While the nexus is weak, anyone may use the portal to gain entrance to buccaneer's den
-- -- -- This means that the portal runs on a 40 hour cycle, meaning that it happens roughly every 2 days, at a different third of the day.

-- Arcane Nexus
-- -- This strong object can be freely attacked by anyone, except the guild who has control over it.
-- -- -- To gain control over it, merely kill it. Whichever guild has the highest total damage upon it's death, will recieve control of the nexus
-- -- -- -- It is fully possible for the nexus to not be controlled by any guild, if nonguilded people participate in enough numbers
-- -- -- -- If the nexus is uncontrolled when it strengthens, no one will be allowed through it until it weakens.
-- -- -- Whoever has control of the nexus when it is strrengthened, controls the isle till the next time of weakness.
-- -- The nexus, while weak, refocuses all it's powers unto preventing death and invading magics
-- -- -- While the nexus is weak, stonewall and energy field potions cannot be used in buccaneer's den.
-- -- -- While the nexus is weak, you can not die on buccaneer's den
-- -- -- -- This does not apply to animals. Don't get off your ride if ya want it to stay alive for long.
-- -- -- -- If you die, you will be teleported, and disabled for 2 minutes(stoned).
-- -- -- -- -- If your guild controls the nexus, you will go to a downtime area on buccaneer's den
-- -- -- -- -- If your guild does not control the nexus, you will be teleported to your guildstone.
-- -- -- -- -- Below you will see a picture of the nexus, with witty commentary by Koldoon, as always.

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