CyberVic's Skill Guides
by GM CyberVic, Guru of Knowledge


Skill details:

  • Camping is essentially a sister skill to cooking. To cook something you need a fire. To make a fire you use your camping skill on some kindling to makre the fire.
  • It's the easiest skill to gain and there is no benifit to having a lot of camping skill.
  • The higher skill you have the better chance of making the fire on first try.

Skill usage:

The skill of camping is the act of making a camp fire.
To start a campfire you first need kindling.
Use a knife or bladed weapon on a tree to get some kindling.

Once you have some kindling, put the kindling on the ground
and double click on it to start a fire. Keep trying until you've started a fire.
Starting a fire

Content Copyright © 2004 Victor F. Laurence
Obsidian Shard Copyright © 2004 DX Gaming Network
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Site design by Victor 'CyberVic' Laurence