We are excited by your interest in joining Obsidian and we are more then welcome to have you.  You shall make a wonderful addition to our lush would.  Before you so eagerly signup we ask that you please read the shard rules located to your top on the menu bar.  Obsidian has a great deal of rules to keep it a wonderful place and we expect everyone to follow these rules we set forth.  Make sure you are aware of these rules as you will be expected to follow them so long as you inhabit our world.  We hope you enjoy your new adventure!

It's easy to add a new account, just fill in the info and press send.
It may take a few minutes for your account to fully activate.
Please take a few minutes to read the rules of conduct.
You are only allowed to apply for one account.

username (no spaces allowed)

email address (this must be valid, to get your password)

Please note, your IP address will be saved with your account information
