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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 11:09 pm 
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From: NatureWarrior
To: CyberVic
Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:37 pm
Subject: NatureWarrior

Cyber once again Ashes Relandi has used a bug thinking would save some of his loot. How much will it take for someone to take action agaisnt this player? He has proved to be one of the worst players the shard has in forums and in game after multiple bugs were used. Players like this put a shadow over this nice shard and I beg of you to do something about it. Thassius stands up for Ashes being friends but duty calls at some point. It is why I PM you directly about it sending you this SS.


The huge icons in his bag were unremovable hiding the most part of his loot. With the halp of Kinetic we were however able to cut the body, moving the icons and permitting us to loot the hidden stuff. After he has lost his newbed reagents bag here is another bug to save some of his loot.

Poison tiles are invisible, only visible by GMs and only movable by GMs. I see em all the time, they piss me off especially if people have been poison spamming themselves in town and they are all over the place. Are you saying somehow Ashes has the ability to a. move and b. see and c. make them uninvisible to players in an effort to hide items on his corpse, these invisible tiles? Honestly I would say you are probably the one who is bugged, unless you are telling me that Ashes is some how exploiting a bug to make you bugged to see invisible tiles? Plus when a corpse is generated items from the players backpack are randomly placed in the corpse container. There's nothing that anyone could do, even a GM to ensure that items are covered up by other items in a pack. It's like telling me "Ashes puts hides in his pack so when he dies shit covers up his loot in his corpse". Which guess what if someone wanted to do that, technically putting 400 bags and 30 seperately stacked hides in your backpack is not exploitation, it's crafty.

I don't know how you faked that screenshot but for the unlikely chain of events to happen to have 3 poison counters, all somehow magically visible to players, in a corpse covering up every single piece of loot is like tougher odds than winning the lottery. If this screenshot is indeed a valid screenshot and this actually happened, go buy a lottery ticket and chuck this up to random ass bug. Now if it happens again and again and again then you can tell me otherwise but for now I say this is bullshit. Get it through your thick skull that "tattling" on people just pisses me off especially when you make idiotic and attrocious claims.

Lastly blame careless staff for giving away newbied bags, not players for using them. Yes if he did know he had a newbed bag he should have disposed of it, but still saying that you stealing it from him is some kind of amazing frigging accomplishment your crazy. Plus if the bag was newbied, how did you get it? Did a GM pickpocket it from him? Because it sure as hell wasn't on the corpse as you were implying because it was... NEWBIED if in fact it was.

Oh and one other thing, I trust Thassius above almost all other staff to be imparial. Don't make bullshit accusations about how he calls situations. He's the reason why we have any decent staff presence right now on the forums and in game.

On the flip side I wanna find the person who somehow bugged ashe's house and has been stealing locked down items and trophy items. Next time I'm on I'll find who has it and jail them for a week.

Now for your cornholes who are going to respond to this thread with "Oh favoritism, CV likes ashes, blah blah." I'm sure even Valor can tell you that on average I HATE ashes, I've personally jailed him several times for weeks on end. So don't give me any favoritism bullshit. I'm just calling bullshit when it's presented to me like it's goddamn fact.

Victor F. Laurence
aka GM CyberVic, Livistos, Soriathus, etc.
Read my blog "Enthusiam" at

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 12:00 am 
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ah man, i fell off the chair laughing. This is hilarious - good job CV.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 12:31 am 
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"Thassius stands up for Ashes being friends but duty calls at some point"

Thassius is actually very unbias - and strives to do so. I'd prefer it if you were actually screenshot banned - every time you kill ashes you seem to post it on the forums or rant and rave to someone. This whole poison tile thing too is way out of hand. If you did fake that ss then I'd apologise to Vic for wasting his time, however if it is real then do as Cyber suggests.

However, you should apologise to Thassius for making an attack on the way he goes about his staffing. I know he has actually been leniant with you, and it does not look like you deserve it at all. He strives to do his best, and does do a terrific job.

Try keeping your personal opinion of how staff deal with issues to yourself. It is not constructive, it's just negative and offensive. If you find a bug report it - the staff member you report it to will take appropriate actions based on their own opinion and importantly on the facts of the case. Do not presume you know how the game works - just report the bug and let staff deal with it.

Nicely put Cyber :)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 1:19 am 
CV i know u dont show favouritism.... its a comon fact that ur an ass hole to everyone equally.... im not saying thats a bad thing and im not being mean.... its just the cold hard truth.... for once.... im going to side with u.... and that doesnt happen much.... and.... its very easy to make one of those pics.... cut and paste works wonders.... but yeah.... im gonna call bull shit on this too....

Insight from Impe

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 1:40 am 
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Im in agreement with the statement on thass. he's probably one of the better staff members obs has seen in a long time. Unbias and always contains himself in the forums. just whats needed here. what happens in the forums reflects alot within the ingame environment

If it looks too good to be true... it is
ingame Eggmungus , Ichabod & Festus


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 1:43 am 
lmfao.... i think i just filld my pants :o

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 3:26 am 
Ya Thass does stand up for Ashes for being friend i remember thass killed me for abusing ank and let them loot me and when i ressed they had cut my bod and they killed me 3 more times with no loot or attemnpt to loot and i told thass that was res kill he told me he aint see no res kill he didnt know there was loot in my bod although he could have just took my word for it and common sense is if my corpse is cut and they already loooted me how do i attepmt to loot =/ also freeks me when ashes has a problem and theyll be like alot of pages and thas be there in 10 min or less like a pizza delivery =) but theyll still be un answered pages oh well

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 3:41 am 
I was present at this happening, and you can see me in that picture.

Those tiles were infact visible to all players who looked into ashes's corpse, and were covering loot. I dunno if he intentionally used them in the hope that they would cover some of his loot, or if they were a result of his cunning healing macro while poisoned.

The fact is they were visible, and were hiding loot.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 4:14 am 
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Thanks for the support CV (and all), much appreciated.
Ya Thass does stand up for Ashes for being friend i remember thass killed me for abusing ank and let them loot me and when i ressed they had cut my bod and they killed me 3 more times with no loot or attemnpt to loot and i told thass that was res kill he told me he aint see no res kill he didnt know there was loot in my bod although he could have just took my word for it
ROFL. Firstly, I recieved a page saying that you were abusing the ankh. When I got there, 2 reds were repeatedly trying to kill you while you repeatedly spammed the ankh. If you had been looted dry, then why the hell did you keep ressing your self? Surely 'common sense' tells you to stay dead until they have gone and then res - and if they wouldnt leave you alone then you can page cant you? You forget that I used to be the most active pvper on the shard. If its one thing I hate its some little asshole abusing the ankh so I cant loot him fairly. I know how it works.

Furthermore, if I just 'took your word for it' then that would make me biased wouldnt it?
I .killed you so that you would perhaps stay dead so I could see if there were any items left on your body to make the reskills legal - but no, you had to res AGAIN at the ankh.
also freeks me when ashes has a problem and theyll be like alot of pages and thas be there in 10 min or less like a pizza delivery =) but theyll still be un answered pages oh well
I always check pages when I am on, and 95% of the outstanding ones I cant fix because they require a GM. Furthermore, I often get PM's from Players/Staff/Moderators who see things that go on ingame - so I will log on to deal with a specific issue. Ashes will tell you that I have logged on to help him on occasion, just as I have everyone else (for instance I came at the request of Necrowarrior last week to find him a nice venue for a wedding). However, he will also tell you that I have logged on at the request of other players when he is in need of jail :twisted: You should be thankful that I am available to jump into the game at short notice - even though I am often busy recording music etc.
I was present at this happening, and you can see me in that picture.

Those tiles were infact visible to all players who looked into ashes's corpse, and were covering loot. I dunno if he intentionally used them in the hope that they would cover some of his loot, or if they were a result of his cunning healing macro while poisoned.

The fact is they were visible, and were hiding loot.
Thanks for clarifying. This may be so, but CV has already pointed out that this could be a (rare) bug. What he is clearly pissed off about is that Necrowarrior has insisted that this was done *intentionally* by Ashes in a bid to cheat - with no actual knowledge of what the tiles are or represent - or how they work.

All he has is proof of a bug - NOT proof of Ashes *abusing* one, and this is the point here. He should have checked his facts first before a) demanding action from a GM and b) accusing me of acting inproperly in the way I deal with Ashes.

I should not need to remind him that he just scraped by without a forum suspension - whereas Ashes was recently banned for a week. Is this favouritism?

I too am a little sick of the repeated screenshots I get from Necrowarrior - because I do not trust their validity. I have had several where the characters are in the same place and wearing the same stuff - as far as I know they were taken in a small timeframe but handed to me spaced out to imply harassment. I also have a screenshot of Ashes calling him a 'dirty arab' that clearly looks faked because the speech is not even above ashes head.

At the end of the day Necrowarrior, if we were going to be rules-lawyers, you would surely have been banned some time ago for repeated abuse - I've seen you reskill, attack in house via AoE, poison stack, and spam guards (even did it on me more than once when I was a player). I also recieved many complaints about you exploiting kill system bugs with Necromancy - not to mention your disgraceful behaviour on the forums and constant whining.

No other player on the shard attempts to influence staff opinion as much as you. I have warned players who have attacked you verbally but there is one thing I must point out to you. Do you REALLY think that after seeing the way you talk to people on the forums I am going to believe that you are always the victim? There is an old saying - 'People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones'. Enough of this hypocricy please.

You have said that you wanted a wedding, and I have found a nice area for it and will speak to a GM when I get the time. But do you really expect my time and effort if you attack me this way?


Last of all - a point for you all to consider. Why does all this seem to occur with the Destiny crew and their associates? We have had 3 destiny players banned, and the rest and their friends seem to cause problems. Why?

Hennessy? Destiny. All the crashes we had at vesper bridge? Destiny. AoE/poison stack/reskill exploits? Destiny. I won't mention the rest.

<3 to all

"Blessed are the noobs, for they shall inherit Obsidian" - Thassius

Last edited by Thassius on Fri Jun 17, 2005 6:44 am, edited 5 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 4:33 am 
hmm... get a bit off topic here but there is a place in trinsic that i think i actually for weddings

EDIT - There is a much better place that was purposely constructed by GM Eudaimonia... - Seer Thassius

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 6:21 am 
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I hesitated as well when I saw the corpse I automatically thought it was a cheat. The tiles did cover his Items but being that the whole area at that bridge is bugged it's hard to tell if it's random or really a cheat but believe me I still have my own concern about Ashes cheating and We should try to kill other players the same way in the same spot to see if it happens again to someone else which I doubt will happen. Again this is just my opinion no harm intentions in it.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 6:56 am 
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I have a char in Destiny! And so does Drizzt! I dont think it is far to single out a guild. Just saying that because i also have chers in 3 other guilds,but at the end of the day, it's still the same person at the keyboard.
I just think that most ppl that abuse bugs are pkers. And Destiny just happeneds to like pkers.



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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 7:01 am 
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hahahahahaha yea nearly all of destiny are good ppl when u get to know them


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 7:02 am 
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My bad, you know I <3 you guys. I simply meant that most of the problems seem to be from players in or associated with destiny - not that everyone in the guild is bad! Obviously I deal with alot of problems as staff and it just seems that the majority of those since I started have centered around that guild. But yes, I am aware that there are good players in it too!

Anyway, things are improving - we have removed some problematic players and will continue to do so in the best interests of the shard and its good players.

"Blessed are the noobs, for they shall inherit Obsidian" - Thassius

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 7:07 am 
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I know you didn't mean anything by it.
My post was for the new players. Didn't want anyone to think I was a bug abuser just because my mage is in Destiny! And like Wizz said most of them are good ppl. But like I said , if you get that many pkers in one guild you will have bad apples!


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