DX Gaming

Grand Announcement
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Author:  Eudaimonia [ Wed Oct 06, 2004 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Grand Announcement

People of Obsidian hear me,

A new age has begun as I've just been appointed Quest Master.

What does a Quest Master do? Well I'll be making quests (duh), and lots of them. All quests will be guild oriented; they will be given to guilds as a whole and must be carried out by guild members. Rewards will be given out upon completion to either the Guild Master or the member who completed the quest. Rewards range from gold to scripted unique items (well, eventually).
Every guild can participate, from the merchant guild to the evil PK one. I will personally tailor a quest that suits your potential, goals and mentality. Difficulty of the quest will be measured by three factors; Previous quest completed, Average members age and the number of guild members (so Guild Master should kick out innactive players).
You are unlikly to see me, Eudaimonia, ingame since I'll be impersonating quest related NPCs all the time, speaking of wich:
There will be 2 new kind of NPC's around;
1- computer contoled NPC's thats sole purpose is to give you hints during a quest,
2- Grand NPC's such as Franco, the Mayor of Vesper and Mondain, The Destroyer of Worlds. Thoses NPC will be controled by either me or another staff member.
All NPCs will be killable, some of them just harder then others

All guild masters who want their guild to participate please send me a PM with your name and the location of your guild stone (with the .where command)
If you want to participate you must be aware that your members may be killed by other guilds that are attempting to prevent you from achieving your goal. It is more honorable to be killed while participating in a fun and involving quest rather than be bank sitting all day.
Also know that Grand NPC will not tolerate out of context comments; They tend to see this as if you were speaking with '' The Devil '' thus they will consider you an heretic and will try to kill or otherwise make your life a hell. By out of context I mean anything that would not be possible in the medieval setting of Ultima (asking if someone is online, of speaking about starcraft for example). I don't expect people to Roleplay all the time, I don't even expect people to Roleplay in quests, all I ask is to stay focused on the game and the quest while in presence of a NPC, to respect thoses who want to roleplay and to repect me that will be roleplaying my ass off all the time....

Also note, to all the funny guys out there, that trying to impersonate a NPC will be punishable by banning.

So there you have it. I hope quests will be as fun to play as they are though to create.

Author:  bruiser [ Wed Oct 06, 2004 11:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

YES! this sounds so cool, i cant wait. I came to tghis game just after the quest were britain was destroyed, and there was a mini quest a few months back, which was cool,a nd we got trophies and stuff. thyis sounds so good, ty kind sirs.

Author:  Nervous Exaust [ Thu Oct 07, 2004 12:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Sounds great best news I've heard in a while cant wait to see how it works out :D

Dont like the sound of having to kick out inactive players tho.

Btw will there be player looting involved in these events?

Author:  xfire [ Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:04 am ]
Post subject: 

yea it does sound cool but it kinda sounds like a fighting guild has to be in this.so my guild and a few others are out.go pks.. 8) when your done with this you should make another.i got alot of ideas...

Author:  Lady Athena [ Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:26 am ]
Post subject: 

dum de dum dum dum ..miss playing Jorus?

Author:  xfire [ Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:40 am ]
Post subject: 

no no no leave the goat out of it.damn some people.lol

Author:  Avatar [ Thu Oct 07, 2004 2:17 am ]
Post subject: 

And no sheep either!! SHEEP ARE EVIL!!

Author:  ZaTaN [ Thu Oct 07, 2004 4:48 am ]
Post subject: 

I hope it works... not like the vendors...

Author:  daffy duck [ Thu Oct 07, 2004 6:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Awesome...This is sooo what we need to get things rolling again...

I still remember the first quests I went on 6-7 months ago where we had to scour the lands to find the demon towers and run through demon hell to get to the gates...And then later, the dark elf quests where we had to figure out how to turn their teleport engines on and off...And omg, the labyrinth afterwards...

So kewl...Such good times...Such great teamwork to get the show on the road...

Author:  Eudaimonia [ Thu Oct 07, 2004 8:04 am ]
Post subject: 

yea it does sound cool but it kinda sounds like a fighting guild has to be in this.so my guild and a few others are out.go pks.. 8) when your done with this you should make another.i got alot of ideas...
XFire, I'm not sure you understand...

I'm talking about doing 2 to 5 guild quest at the same time ALL THE TIME!
And as I've said before, no matter what is the type of guild you are in I can make quests for you.

Author:  hydro [ Thu Oct 07, 2004 8:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Yes, Eudaimonia was brought aboard strictly for in-game quests.

Author:  Elleberation [ Thu Oct 07, 2004 8:52 am ]
Post subject: 

I know a fun questr for a miner guild, make thewicked elleberation a full suit of blackrock with shield and receive your reward..................

Author:  slug [ Thu Oct 07, 2004 8:54 am ]
Post subject: 

good to hear that quests qill start up again. My favorite part of obsidian..... lots of memories ill take with me.

Author:  Alec' Eiffel [ Thu Oct 07, 2004 10:07 am ]
Post subject: 

I know a fun questr for a miner guild, make thewicked elleberation a full suit of blackrock with shield and receive your reward..................
Who is this Gestapo in your signature?

Author:  xfire [ Thu Oct 07, 2004 11:07 am ]
Post subject: 

yea it does sound cool but it kinda sounds like a fighting guild has to be in this.so my guild and a few others are out.go pks.. 8) when your done with this you should make another.i got alot of ideas...
XFire, I'm not sure you understand...

I'm talking about doing 2 to 5 guild quest at the same time ALL THE TIME!
And as I've said before, no matter what is the type of guild you are in I can make quests for you.
ahh i see cool then i cant wait. 8)

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