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PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:16 pm |
Shard Supporter (Donated) |
Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 4:21 pm Posts: 1282
Someone asked me for this, so I'm posting it here. It's not 100% up to date, but I hope it helps ya out.
--when used will turn on alert messages for 5 minutes.
-- These messages will inform you when the action that you are doing is too easy to gain skill points
from. If you have a chance of gaining skill points,no message will be given.
--when used inside your house will move all the contents of your house into a storage pack present.
--when you ouble click the present it will un pack the contents and everything will return to where it was
-- you must unpack your house into the exact same type of house it was packed up in.
-- you should unlock all your lockdowns and secures before packing your house.
-- Gives your account age, vet rewards, and skillcap information.
--When used while alive twice in a row, binds your soul to a given spot.
--When used while dead, returns your ghost instantly to that spot. Once per hour
--When used will bring up a menu allowing players to select one of 5 race skills to use. Shortcuts to these race
abilties can be accessed by saying the following commands (items 1 through 5 follow menu items 1 through 5)
-- When used will tell you your current healing success rate.
-- When used will reset the .healrate counter
-- You must have at least 50 heals before healrate will tell you your rate.
-- When used will apply a bandage to yourself
-- When on you will gain anatomy from uses of the healing skill and combat
-- When off you will not passively gain anatomy
Healing delay system:
-- Healing delay starts at 11 seconds.
-- 1 second is added for every 20 magery skill
-- 1 second is subtracted for every 20 dexterity
-- 1 second is added for left hand and 2 seconds for right hand equips. 3 seconds is added for two-handed weapons.
-- Cross healing does not offer a lower delay.
-- Any delay below 2 seconds is set to 2 seconds
-- Hunger level adds to the delay
-- 11.0 seconds + hunger level(3 second max for really hungry) + equipment(3 second max for both hands) - dex/20 + magery/20
-- Delay is calculated down to .1 seconds (2 dex is .1 second removed from delay)
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:34 pm |
Joined: Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:48 pm Posts: 1064
Bot Check: GAMER
Location: OREGON
Azi nice, but you .packhouse also allows you to see who owns the house if you stand on the
stairs outside the house and type it.
Just a little addition to that command!
_________________ Euroman
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:37 pm |
Shard Supporter (Donated) |
Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 4:21 pm Posts: 1282
i dont think it's supposed to do that........
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:39 pm |
Joined: Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:48 pm Posts: 1064
Bot Check: GAMER
Location: OREGON
Well then this was a bug and I didnt know. So I say lets check before you add it as a original command
_________________ Euroman
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 5:32 pm |
Joined: Wed May 23, 2007 8:50 am Posts: 2398
Bot Check: GAMER
Location: United States of America
Why check? It's not a bug, nothing near a bug, all it is is it shows you who owns the house, used for showing telling a player that there not at there house. Players may use this to see who owns a house, not a bug at all.
IMO if this is removed add the signs back, so we can see who owns the house, I hate not knowning =(
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