PVP(and by extension PVE) Patch:
-- People are about to scream bloody murder at me, just saying.
-- Healing skills and spells lowered by roughly 20%.
-- Healing while poisoned reduced to 33% reduction from 50% reduction.
-- -- For the math challenged, that means you'll heal 2/3rd what you would if unpoisoned
-- Weapons have been rebalanced
-- -- Upon testing/inspection, i think i did the normal weapon balance right the first time
-- -- HOWEVER, what i messed up was the scaling of the magical bonuses, which quickly made slower weapons beefy and light weapons crap.
-- -- The new formula has a lower slope, meaning heavier weapons will be dealing less damage and lighter weapons will be dealing more, comparatively.
-- -- -- This is mostly just to fix the way armor is working to mitigate damage, and should result in more useful weapons
-- -- All speed scaling damage bonuses (like +1-+9 or anatomy bonus) follow the new curve
-- Wrestling damage bonus from anatromy reduced by 20%.
-- Most bears got a slight nerf.
PVE Counterbalance:
-- Loot formula has been restructed a bit
-- -- This should more properly reflect monster difficulty(keyword should, we'll see how it tests in practice).
-- -- This has given an average of 18% increase to gold across the board, with more/less in variance on individual monsters
-- Magic drop possibilities increased from 15 to 17.
-- -- Added one weapon drop of level and one drop of level + 1 for drops under power
-- -- For power and vanq it's adding 2 drops of weapons of level
-- -- So as it stands for vanq/power you have:
-- -- 5.8% each for shield/chainmail/ringmail
-- -- 11.6% platemail
-- -- total armor chance: 29.4%, down from 33.3%
-- -- total weapon chance: 70.6%
-- -- For ruin/might/force:
-- -- -- same armor chances
-- -- -- 5.8% for level+1(might would drop from ruin monster)
-- -- -- 64.8% for level weapons(ruin from ruin monsters).
-- NPC wipe has been done, it's been long overdue
-- -- As with past npc wipes, yes this means your housed pets/sheep/etc die too.
Balance Adjustments:
-- All field Wall potion timers (except stonewall) have had timers increased from 5 to 6.
Seasonal Changes:
-- Fall seasonal has ended and winter has now begun, will run through at least the end of january.
Bugs Fixed:
-- Wording on nexus clarified to extol the magical variance in time (i added the word approximately for those who haven't figured it out)
-- Skittering horror should no longer debugsay on web
-- Fixed a few minor bugs with the new bosses, nothing that was too noticable
-- Paralyze wall potions now have the correct timer
-- Fixed bug where resist message wasn't showing correctly in some circumstances.
-- Vendors saying "that will be xxx gold coin(null)" should no longer happen
-- -- However it is now technically possible to buy something for 1 gold coins.
-- -- You grammar nazi this at your own risk.