DX Gaming

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Author:  PhantomX [ Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:43 am ]
Post subject:  TIC TAC TOE EVENT NEW!!!!!!!

thx to Echo we have a new Event call tic tac toc. for those who dont know how to play it is simple: the event can only take 10 player 2 team so those who show up first for it will play it. and them we can set another group for it.

game consist in that Each team have to battle 1v1, who ever win will have the chage to place a pice. now each one have a turn for example: if blue team win first battle the place the first pice but if they wind again that doesnt mean they can place another peace you just make the other team (red team) lose a turn till they win to place a pice. if the other team (read team) that lose the turn win a battle they can place a pice and the nex turn will by for blue team. got it!!! lol if no iwill show you in game.


NOW the team who place 3 pices like this in a line win the event no matthe the orden but they must by in a line. EXP:


cyas there dont miss it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/color]

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