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 Post subject: Necro
PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:57 pm 
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I think necro needs to be tweaked, I can be hit by fire whip with 120 str and be brought down to 20 HP, and with drain mana its ridiculous.

 Post subject: Re: Necro
PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 10:01 am 

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so necros take time cause they have to spirit speak between casts so they dont get stuck for long enough to be killed.... their spells take so much more mana than magery yes they need to be tweak but towards their favor not against...

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

 Post subject: Re: Necro
PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 10:40 am 

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I don't think they should be tweaked, because they have got so much weaknesses



Cult of the damned

 Post subject: Re: Necro
PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 6:06 pm 
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the way i look at it is pokemon style. Charizard < Venasaur < Blastoise < Charizard
is same Necro < Warrior < Mage < Necro

A non-bob gm who shall remain nameless did it!

 Post subject: Re: Necro
PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:12 pm 

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the way i look at it is pokemon style. Charizard < Venasaur < Blastoise < Charizard
is same Necro < Warrior < Mage < Necro



Cult of the damned

 Post subject: Re: Necro
PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:10 am 
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the way i look at it is pokemon style. Charizard < Venasaur < Blastoise < Charizard
is same Necro < Warrior < Mage < Necro
Than they all bow and hail to the PVMs. <<<< not a joke either.... unfortunately.

A non-bob gm who shall remain nameless did it!

 Post subject: Re: Necro
PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 3:54 pm 
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They need to be tweaked against their favor. My warrior has 140 str, I was sitting at the bank and bam, im at 20-30 health, so i try and heal and i fail, i try and throw a poison pot at the necro and they reflect my poison onto me and they cast another fire whip and im dead. All this happened in under 7 seconds.

Sitting at the bank again, on my alchemist. Dead with 1 fire whip. Without any warning what so ever.

I think the spells of necros should be they same as magery, words of power come first, then the spell timer. Fire whip needs to be decreased, because it retarded.

 Post subject: Re: Necro
PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 6:36 pm 

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it does have random damage, some hits from it are as low as 35 damage.... it also takes a ton of mana to cast and it freezes you in place if you dont use spirit speak which takes time and even if you do use it sometimes you still get stuck, so if anything they do need to be tweaked but in there favor. a good warrior could kill a necro in like 3 hits with their low strength and low healing and every spell they use burns their mana, cant help it if you had a couple of bad experiences.

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

 Post subject: Re: Necro
PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 1:06 am 
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It's not a couple. I don't see the fairness in how I can go out into a 1v1 outside with a necro with 100+ each reg, pots, armor, bears, etc. And a necro needs none of this besides gmana and dex. If they die they don't lose anything, if a mage dies they lose a hell of alot more.

Necros need to have reagents, maybe not as many but they need some. Bat wings, eye of newt, etc.

I personally think fire whip should have a delay before it is casted, just like flamestrike. Poison pots and such should be able to fizzle them.

I just don't see the point in fighting a necro outside when all I'll get is a couple of mana pots, if i survive. I know I'm not the best "pvp mage" on here, but I've had my share of battles. And if a necro with around 80 skill can drop me to 20 hp within a second, then I'm definatly not fighting a necro. God help me if I run into a gm necro with gm med and stealth.

If you can reply to this still thinking necros need tweaked in their favor then you haven't played enough recently.

 Post subject: Re: Necro
PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 1:50 am 
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you obviously dont got a necro. You would see that it is more 35s than anything else. Everyone who has posted on here against the tweak all have necros and they have seen the advantages and disadvantages. I reccomend you make a necro and spend 100+ hours gming it to see you die in an instant to any archer. Every one of these players have spent 100+ hours in t4a obviously since they are all gm necros so im pretty sure they fall under the category of playing recently.

Edit: Look at it this way as soon as we are in a wall we are dead. It is almost guaranteed you are going to be walled since every time you cast a necrospell you are frozen from anywhere between 1-5 seconds. We are capped at 50 healing which is pretty much garbage when you have magery and low dex. We could use magery healing greater heal (which you have an extra 5 second delay if you casted a necro spell previously). Ontop of that delay necros fizzle all magery spells 50% ontop of the regular fizzle rate so probably 60% since necros are capped at 80 magery. Pretty much our only option is the necro healing spell. But if we cast 1 firewhip there is about 40% of your mana gone. 2 fire whips gf your dead no way to heal in real battle. So you risk death on hoping you dont hit 35's. (Majority of Fire Whips are 35s so not even worth trying in a real battle outside town). Also necros take extra damage so our life is drained super fast, We must also constantly cast Spirit Speak between each necro spell to unfreeze from our spells since each spell we cast freezes us but also because if we dont and we use same spell 3+ time in a row we start taking damage per spell we use. Our stats are also very divided like a tank because Dex helps us cast fast and lower our mana cost, without dex our spell takes 60-70 mana. So in the end we are also using up 3 extra gm skill slots for necro and spirit speak as well as an anatomy even tho our healing is a shit 50 and useless.

So ya the people who have necros and use them we know all of this stuff that is why we know having a timer or weaking necro spells pretty much is making necros complete garbage.

A non-bob gm who shall remain nameless did it!

 Post subject: Re: Necro
PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 4:29 am 

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I know what are you talking about Spawn, as you saw my warrior died to Raptor's necro in like 1-2 seconds,
but I still don't see that it's not balanced, because I can always drop a necro in lesser than 2 seconds, but it needs some techniques and using their weaknesses to drop them,
but if you lost your control for a second, you're dead..
I mean if you're an archer, summoner or even poisoner, you can beat any gm necromancer,
There are too many ways that a necromancer can die in a second..
So tweaking their spells will make no sense.



Cult of the damned

 Post subject: Re: Necro
PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 7:31 am 

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I know what are you talking about Spawn, as you saw my warrior died to Raptor's necro in like 1-2 seconds,
but I still don't see that it's not balanced, because I can always drop a necro in lesser than 2 seconds, but it needs some techniques and using their weaknesses to drop them,
but if you lost your control for a second, you're dead..
I mean if you're an archer, summoner or even poisoner, you can beat any gm necromancer,
There are too many ways that a necromancer can die in a second..
So tweaking their spells will make no sense.
Especially GOku that can die with 1 FS :lol:

lol I see now... we don't change monster spawns to suit pkers who get owned by them, sorry.

 Post subject: Re: Necro
PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 8:40 am 

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Lmao!! :lol: :D



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 Post subject: Re: Necro
PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 2:14 pm 

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I fought raptors necro yesterday.

Had a str pot so was around 205 hp with my 170 str warrior.

We were in a small house with a wall around him.

All he did was FlameWhip me and web me the whole time couldent do a thing about it.

His attacks were doing 100-120 dmg every time. it took everything i had to just keep healed. Healing wep pots ect.

Thankfully he forgot to close his door to his house and i got out alive *barly* Only reason i lived cause i droped a ice wall to not get flamewhiped again. There is no 35 sec delay between them. if you have one your doing something wrong.

About 5 min after that me and apoc killed him. He had a robe a hat total of 7 pots, and 50 bandies.

Wile im wearing easy over 150k worth of pvp gear and he almost droped me in a second.

 Post subject: Re: Necro
PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 4:32 pm 
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150k worth of pvp gear? lol what are you wearing half blackrock pieces? Also you must have been doing something wrong than if you couldent kill him inside a house if he was wearing no armor had no regs to heal only 7 pots and 50 bandies? hahah that is pretty funny you couldn't kill him. I guess you got bettered by him and his pvp skills of keeping you webbed so you cant hit him.

A non-bob gm who shall remain nameless did it!

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