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 Post subject: Obsidian Tavern
PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:32 am 
Greetings, sit yourself down by the fire while I fetch ye a drink.

I haven't seen ye here before... tell me about yerself!

[ Want to leave your mark on the shard? Please post a short description (200 words maximum) about your main character and his/her achievements in the land of Obsidian. Thus, your legacy shall remain - and the Obsidian tavern shall hold memories of each player to grace the shard... from the bravest warrior or most fearsome mage, to the finest craftsmen. ]

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 8:28 am 
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I am the Great Jizaboz, GWAR Guildmeister. Despite my nasty appearance, I'm a quite holy human... hellbent on killing the monsters that plague the lands of Britannia. I've never murdered another in cold blood.

I spent almost the entire first year of my life once leaving Cove in the Britain Cemetary... going mad from the repeatative groans and wails of the dead. I myself have died... many times. At the hands of monsters I have underestimated... and the vile rogues of Obsidian with nothing better to do than spend every day of their pathetic lives killing and looting those who are weaker than them.

My guild used to be quite large... but due to things beyond my control (like Britannia just ceasing to exist for a few months) and disgust with my lazy and drunken ways, most have all deserted me. However, a few valiant females remain and stay loyal to their lord. For this, I shower them all the gifts I can and am quite thankful.

Now the rest of GWAR and I roam the lands of Britannia rarely seen. Endlessly slaughtering thousands of creatures to feed our lust for the grandeur we've never known...

Ultima avatar: The Famed JIZABOZ,GWAR Guildmeister

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:57 am 
I shall tell ye all about me dead brother, Naga Sadow... He came upon these lands from the most eastern part of the world, he hath embarked a boat filled with mercenaries in search of loot and glory in the shady mists of morning. Our town was a small fishing community and our parents were fishers themselves. Needles to say, they did not know of my brother's dreams of fortune. I must make a pause and tell you all that all that i know is from whispers in the taverns, the deeds that my brother has done I did not witness since i was home trying my best to aid my poor parents. It so seems that the boat embarked by my brother and loads of other mercenaries was caught by a terrible storm and smashed into a deserted docking bay. Oh, how the heavens wept that day! The mercenaries escaped the maritime catastrophe only to find themselves at the docks of the foul orc fort! The orcs gathered in great haste, be they mages, warriors, cooks or slaves. The slaughtered the crew and the mercenary. The only one that survived was my brother - thanks to his swimming abilities. He ended up on a beach. In front of him: the peasant town of Cove. He there learnt the combat arts and gathered much strenght whilst working for the local smitty. When he gathered enough money he went to Vesper and studied magic at the local university of magicka. Until that fatal day when the sky turned green and a huge rumble made blood pour from everyone's ears in Britannia. The very essence of time was torn apart! The gods hath forsaken all! My brothers desperate attempt to do something ended up in him being lost in a time loop, casting the same spell for all eternity. That made my heart fill with rage and my brain with veangeful thoughts. All of Britannia would pay. As for who might I be... you shall find that out when you lie dead on the floor... the last thing whispered in your ears be my name.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 6:08 pm 
arrrgh, bartender! another ale! and you other folk here, tell your story or, by gods!, i shall smite thee where you stand. bartender! where's my ale?!

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 4:35 am 
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Alas, I fear that not everyone is suited for these new lands.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:10 pm 
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Stick to the theme of this thread, please.

"Blessed are the noobs, for they shall inherit Obsidian" - Thassius

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 12:24 am 
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Maxcarnage The Eternal Owner Of Noobs Came to these lands of wherever in um 1236 A.D. and Smote All ye noobs Then he retired and so the legacy continues
*Beer me bartender, this service tis pitiful..*



 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 3:23 am 
I am the braved Uzumaki. Even though he is only a few days old he is a great
warrior.He is in the Powerful Guils Barbarians. His guild master is Amra.

I have slain and be n slain many creatures for him. Fire elemnts water elemtns Putrid blood earth wind zombies orcs And a villian or two. I was only killed 2 by fire element and a orc..

I have been a part of banning onion in the shard and also striaght shooter(two are the same) but the reted crimnal stioll walks umong us.I will vowe my game to banning killing jailing him

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PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2006 8:02 pm 
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*Sneaks up behind Uzumakias he is leaving a tea house in the town of yew* "For far too long you have cause terrible hardship for my family" "You must pay for your crimes Uzumaki"

For... Many years ago when i was a small boy, A man came to my
village. The people loved him as they would their own, fed and
sheltered the man who would one day return the kindess with
bloodshed. As the army plowed through our village i looked
upon my fathers face for the last time. It was his duty then
as it is mine now to defend the honor of our blood.. My
search for the man responsible has been filled with
misery, tourture, and blood. And it ends tonight.

*draws sword*
"Uzumaki! Your time has come! What do you have to say for your sins? "
"Beg for forgivness and you shall not die very slowly......"

[also since hes only a couple days old hes the reincarnation of uzumaki... get it...]


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun May 07, 2006 4:54 am 

Joined: Sun Dec 11, 2005 1:57 pm
Posts: 465
Location: somewhere u would never wanna go
*you see everyone screem as dracula gets redy to kill*

BTW, Ereaser, you spelt your forum name wrong from your in-game name.. lmfao

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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:21 pm 
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Location: 1041871113 53n2K7
"This Evil Ends Tonight!"

*Draws Back A Blade Powered By The Gods Lightning Itself*
[you hear a thud as Uzumakis head hits the ground]

His body slumps along the wall, spouting blood as nothing youve ever seen. It was a glorious day. One which shall never be forgotten.

*Walks into teahouse for a nice cup and a fine song*


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 1:47 pm 
Ahh little do you know i have been resurected and now in the guild wolfpack.* puts on verite and draws blade* Bring it On..... :twisted:

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:51 pm 

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I am Odysseus, son of Laertes. With my fellow Achaean warriors i sacked the city of Troy after a ten year siege. My brilliant idea of building a huge wooden horse was (of course) the deciding factor. On my way home to Ithaca longing to see my wife Penelope, and my son Telemachus, who was only a baby when i left.

On my voyage back to Ithaca a great storm destroyed my fleet and i found myself shipwrecked off the coast of Britannia. I forgot how to fight due to the wreck , at this point i made my way to cove to begin my training. Each day i trained till the sweat dripped down my face, 2 months into my stay at cove i venured towards the town of vesper to meet the inhabitants of this mythical land. I settled in well everybody treated me like a freind not foe, I came across a dungeon named deceit where i met a fellow warrior named Elektra. I proved myself many times and was rewarded by the gods...

Months had passed when i was confronted by a mage-warrior named drizzt who recruited me into the Legion Of Valor. And since then i have remained a loyal guildmember and freind to all who serve LoV.

And i ponder the fact maybe the wreck was meant to happen......

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